Our Business Model and Strategy

The Dean Hotel

Cork, Ireland

Insulated Panels

K-Roc Karrier

Annual Report 2022

Our mission is to accelerate a zero emissions future built environment with people and planet at its heart.

Our Strategic Goals

Our business model and our strategic pillars enable the ongoing conversion to ultra-performance building envelopes from outdated, inefficient, methods of construction.


To advance materials, building systems and digital technologies to address issues such as climate change, circularity and the protection of our natural world.


To be the world’s leading provider of low energy, building envelopes – insulate and generate.


To expand globally, bringing high-performance building envelope solutions to markets which are at an earlier stage in the evolution of sustainable and efficient building methods.


Our strategy is executed across four strategic pillars with our values providing the foundation for how we do business.

Our four Strategic Pillars


Kingspan’s innovation agenda is driven across four key themes – performance, solutions, sustainability, and digitalisation.

Read more about Innovation

Planet Passionate

Planet Passionate is Kingspan’s 10-year sustainability programme which aims to impact three big global issues – climate change, circularity and protection of our natural world.

Read more about Planet Passionate

Completing the Envelope

Our strategy of ‘completing the envelope’ aims to take our innovation and sustainability DNA and apply them to a wider portfolio of products which are complementary to our current offering.

Read more about Completing the Envelope


We aim to bring ultra-performance building envelope solutions to markets which are at an earlier stage in their evolution to sustainable methods of construction.

Read more about Global

Learn more about our Strategic Pillars:

Our business model and strategy are enabling the transition from outdated, inefficient, methods of construction to ultra-performance building envelopes.